Argument Synthesis


An argument synthesis is like a treasure map. As with the explanatory synthesis, you select borders, key features, and important relationships. However, your primary purpose has changed. Instead of offering a general introduction, you are now making a specific argument. From among many features and relationships, you select only the features or relationships things that get you to your goal.  The goal is a new idea, something that only you can show your audience. 

Argument Synthesis Checklist


1. Does your introduction include a argumentative thesis statement? Is that statement logical and tenable and refutable? You have already included key features and important relationships.  Have you also suggested conclusions or actions? Have you explained to your reader why he or she should care about this issue? 


2. Have you selected a format suitable for your synthesis? (See below)


3.  Do your body paragraphs flow in logical order?  Do you have good transition sentences leading from one paragraph to the next?  Do you include quotations from your sources?


4. Does your conclusion reiterate why the particular features and relationships you selected are important for an understanding of your topic?  Have you briefly re-stated the reasons for your conclusions or actions?

5.  Do you have a Works Cited page in which you include proper citation information on your articles?


Possible Format for an Argument Synthesis Paper with 7 Sources

Paragraph 1: Introduction and thesis statement. Why it matters...

Paragraph 2 & 3: an important feature mentioned by Authors Edge and Fern


Paragraph 4: an important feature mentioned by Author Gill, Hoskins and Illis


Paragraph 5: an important feature which I discovered by doing original research 


Paragraph 6: an important relationship mentioned by Author Julian


Paragraph 7 & 8: an important relationship as yet undiscovered, but which I discovered by thinking about the features in Authors Fern and Gill)


Paragraph 9:  based on my research and discoveries, the new conclusions and/or new actions which may change the boundaries for this topic.


Paragraph 10: Conclusion


Works Cited Page: Edge, Ferm, Gill, Hoskins, Illis, Julian